past events

13th national meet at Peak Hill 2017




Australian CamperTrailers Group
2017 national get together
at Peak Hill NSW

photos two


photos Jason, Sue &  Jess
























The Nyngan Cup 2017

 The annual Nyngan Cup boules tournament was held at Peak Hill this year in hot, muggy conditions. Teams hotly contested the right to represent the "Hardies" or the "Softies".

 After preliminary rounds, Anita Beer and Joanne Roche won the "Softies" banner. Joanne was 2016 champion with her better half who was a late scratching this time around. The "Hardies" were represented by Dave and Jan Cook.

 A closely fought contest resulted in a 11  - 10 victory to Dave and Jan. Congratulations to the "Hardies".

From Marge.